Playing the piano or piano was once considered a symbol of elegance.
Not everyone, however, can Develop enough free space in your room to put in a huge piano or piano. Keyboard is an electronic keyboard instrument designed for performing works Live music. In his case, the key is the keyboard, and its layout is the same as in piano. Each of these musical instruments has an accompaniment system, with the possibility to change chords. In the age of developing technology, modern keyboards are low budget amplers. Music companies have both keyboards for Amateurs and real professionals. In Poland there is no definite name for such instruments, so we may have problems to Distinguish normal keyboard from synthesizer or electronic organs.
It is good to know that The keyboard is equipped with key elements and it is exactly at his shopping that we should return For that special attention. The first is to check the music keyboard – its volume, state technical. The display does not play an important role, so it is enough that it will be a small screen Black-white or colored. Sequencer, computer program inside the keyboard Full controllable MIDI device, thanks to which the artist can part of the music that creates the rhythm Entrusted to sequencers.
It is important to check the types of connectors, ports and connections during the purchase drives. It is important to make sure your keyboard has a high capacity hard drive to make it easier Make a record of the music being made. In addition, we must pay attention to the battery – the longer the work on Before it is better for the user. The keyboard is a musical instrument that we can not find in the piano Digital, and even synthesizer. The ideal keyboard will work in the team to play a role accompaniment. In modern keyboards are impressive technical parameters – the number of colors It is even 500 or 600.
Compared with the rhythms of the digital piano, their number reaches 300. There are many keyboard makers, and some of the best are branded instruments Yamaha, Ketron and Casio. They are not cheap, and the equipment that stands out for high quality will be They had to pay even over 1500$.